"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." - Winston Churchill
This quote means an optimist is a person with a positive outlook on life and a pessimist is someone who thinks that bad things are going to happen. I am generally a pessimist because I usually expect the worst situation. For example, applying for an exchange student, I often thought that I failed to study abroad. Since I had no enough time to finish my undergraduate school, I had to prepare other method to study English in USA. Like this, I always used to prepare myself for the worst situation. People could fail and be frustrated even though they did do their best. If they do something with thinking about the bad circumstances, they will be able to control their failure more easily. In addition, people tend to think negatively since they naturally has some concerns or fears which is serious or not. That is why I have become a pessimist.
On the other hand, I am a person who always try to be an optimist. It is somewhat hard to practice but I have strongly believed the quote mentioned above. Though I am commonly a pessimist, I endeavor to become a person who has a positive view in my life. Whenever I was likey to think negatively, I have read some books that allow me to change my thoughts. Without that kind of efforts, I probably would never have been here today. I believe I would be a perfect opptimist soon.^^